Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Controversial Issues in the NGO Committee Research Paper
Questionable Issues in the NGO Committee - Research Paper Example NGOs also called non-legislative associations or common society associations have been in existent for quite a while. Accordingly, their necessities have gotten acknowledgment by intergovernmental associations, for example, the United Nations. In this manner, they have been counseled since the commencement of the United Nations under its unique name, League of Nations, their consultative status got incorporation in the United Nations sanction under the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In addition, the objective of this committee was to talk with non-legislative, associations on issues that concerned them making an open door for the consultative status of NGOs. There are various NGOs with the consultative status at present separating high arrangement status of NGO . In any case, discussion has shaken the situation of NGOs into this section of consultancy inferable from the way that the NGOs apply to be remembered for the counseling boards. The primary noteworthy disputable issue is the significance connected to NGOs because of their mix no matter how you look at it in nearly the whole United Nations framework. This is attributable to the way that the UN is getting profoundly reliant on NGOs to lead field administrations and actualize the goals that the UN passes. Notwithstanding the advantages it represents, this reliance shows the unbecoming idea of the UN in designating obligations. The other issue concerning consultancy status is the effect that NGOs have on political outcomes.3 This is on the grounds that for NGOs to propel what they represent, they expect access to persuasive figures, for example, state delegates who hold the ability to propel their targets. In this manner, allowing access to these compelling pioneers influences policymaking. All things considered, on consultancy, political interests impact the NGOs chose to have the status, in some cases. This is on the grounds that the Committee on NGOs makes pr oposal on which NGOs should take up a position, however a ultimate conclusion is made by the ECOSOC. This raises debate because of the rules utilized in settling on a ultimate conclusion, in light of either merit or political interests. For instance, a few individuals from ECOSOC have effectively halted the endorsement of NGOs that have convictions that conflict with the positions of the nations as found in the instances of China and Cuba against the NGO, A Womanââ¬â¢s Voice International.4 likewise, there is the issue of rebellion that is utilized on certain NGOs attributable to political interests of certain nations. Such incorporate the Kurdish Human Rights Project that was marked as a dissident development that didn't represent the necessities of the individuals however rather was a political movement.5 In the application, the NGO pulled back attributable to the way that a few individuals hold such preferences and subsequently don't give reasonable hearings in the use of cons ultancy status. In addition, a few NGOs raise contention by conflicting with the UN contract that permits them to be in the consultancy position they appreciate. This is by scrutinizing the sway of certain countries or having ulterior thought processes concerning their application for the consultancy status. Nonetheless, a few countries bear the discipline of conflicting with the UN sanction disregarding not abusing the guidelines that put them in the consultative position similarly as found on account of the Kurdish Human Rights Project.6 This implies the majority of the contention found in the NGO panel is to a great extent
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Raising a child with a disability Essay Example For Students
Bringing up a youngster with an incapacity Essay Bringing up a youngster with an incapacity Essay: Journal Entry #2: Rundown: This article mostly looks at manners by which guardians can manage the updates on being informed that their youngster has an incapacity. There are a couple of stories in the article which underscore the manner in which the guardians felt when they got some answers concerning their childs handicap. By and large, the guardians felt broke, overpowered and totally stunned. The article clarified that guardians have a desire for having that ideal youngster and when one is informed that the kid isn't so great, their fantasies and their lives become destroying. The perusing inspects manners by which to construct an emotionally supportive network just as manners by which to keep an equalization in your life. The creator demonstrates the significance of keeping an uplifting disposition when in this circumstance. Central matters: This article was intriguing and there are a couple of key calls attention to that stand. The creator clarified that it is critical to be a supporter for your kid by learning as much as possible about the incapacity that they have. Likewise, she referenced that if a parent continues living trying to claim ignorance about the disease or handicap, that this will never support the kid or the parent. I additionally thought that it was fascinating when she talked about help inside the family just as outside the family. In conclusion, I thought it was significant for her to specify the strain that a family with a handicapped kid will bring about. Reflection: This article permitted the peruser to place themselves in the families shoes and understand the battles that they do experience. At the point when the creator said that it is of mass significance to be a supporter for your kid with an incapacity, I completely concurred. It is indispensable to ensure Page 2 that a parent does the exploration concerning discovering what the sickness is about for both clinical and different reasons. When a parent comprehends what they are managing, they will be set up for what might be on the horizon. Likewise, they can get data on legislative help and projects just as recreational and instructive exercises with the goal that their youngster can be engaged with the network and be as ordinary as could reasonably be expected. The following primary concern was the way it is fundamental for a parent to quit living trying to claim ignorance. A parent should be steady and comprehension not isolates from the kid. The family essentially needs to request help both inside the family just as outside. Loved ones are a significant encouraging group of people and they can help child sit, clean around the house, and simply talk. Likewise, there are many care groups on the web and in networks. This is extraordinary in light of the fact that guardians can understand that they are not the only one. Finally, having a kid with an incapacity can put a great deal of strain on the family, monetarily, truly and inwardly. It is significant for the guardians to set aside effort for themselves. Likewise, guardians need to understand that on the off chance that they have other kids, that these youngsters need love and direction too. Continuing Question: The main inquiry I have concerning this article is, What is really viewed as the perfect kid and how might we characterize this? I think it is difficult to characterize a perfect youngster and I think tragically we even have these recognitions. I simply feel just as each youngster is a blessing regardless. Since we can't characterize typical appropriately, I don't accept there to be a perfect kid. .
Triple Sugar Test in Microbiology Essay Example for Free
Triple Sugar Test in Microbiology Essay Triple sugar-iron (TSI) agar test-intended to separate among the various gatherings or genera of the Enterobacteriaceae, which are all gram-negative bacilli equipped for maturing glucose with the creation of corrosive a. Separation is made based on contrasts in starch aging examples and hydrogen sulfide creation. To encourage perception of starch use designs TSI agar inclines contain lactose and sucrose (1%) focuses and glucose (0.1%) fixation which licenses identification of the use of this substrate as it were. The corrosive base pointer phenol red-additionally consolidated to distinguish sugar aging that is demonstrated by an adjustment in shade of the medium from orange-red to yellow within the sight of acids. a. Strategy to immunize incline: wound and streak methodology which requires addition of clean straight needle from the base of the inclination into the butt. Upon withdrawal, the inclined surface of the medium is streaked. Deciding exercises of the life form: a. Basic inclination (red) and corrosive butt (yellow) with or without gas creation (breaks in the agar butt): Only glucose aging has happened. Glucose was corrupted first. Since this substrate is negligibly present, the limited quantity of corrosive created on the inclination surface is oxidized quickly. Peptones in the medium are utilized underway of soluble base. In the butt the corrosive response is kept up due to diminished O2 pressure and more slow development of the life form. b.Acid incline (yellow) and corrosive butt (yellow) with or without gas creation: Lactose and additionally sucrose aging has happened. Since these substances are available in higher focuses, they fill in as the substrates for proceeded with fermentative exercises with upkeep of a corrosive response in both inclination and butt. c.Alkaline incline (red) and basic butt (red) or no change (orange-red) butt-No sugar aging has happened. Rather peptones are catabolized under anaerobic or potentially high-impact conditions bringing about a soluble pH because of creation of smelling salts. On the off chance that solitary oxygen consuming debasement of peptones happen, the soluble response is confirm just on the inclination surface. On the off chance that there is oxygen consuming and anaerobic usage of peptone, the basic response is available on the inclination and the butt.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Causation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Causation - Essay Example For example, in Empire Jamaica (1955),2 the proprietors sent a vessel out to the ocean, and it slammed in light of the fact that the pilot nodded off. The main carelessness that the proprietors were liable of were that the officials didn't have their licenses. Be that as it may, this had nothing to do with the accident, thus, despite the fact that there was a careless demonstration, it was not the reason for the harms. Correspondingly, in Christopher Andrews v. Barnett Waddingham LLP and RAJ Waddingham3 there was lacking causation between the carelessness of the budgetary counsels and the misfortune that was endured by the petitioner. In addition, there is a general guideline in English law that there are sure acts that would break the chain of causation. For example, the demonstrations of an outsider are probably going to break the chain of causation.4 This frequently when the litigant doesn't have authority over the outsider's activities, at the same time, if the activities of the outsider are predictable by the respondent in any capacity, the chain of causation isn't broken.5 While these are torts cases, there are criminal cases too, and these criminal cases characterize the limits and the forms of causation in the criminal courts. In criminal law, there must be an activity (actus reus) joined with the perspective (mens rea), and the actus reus in addition to the mens rea more likely than not caused the genuine crime.6 Moreover, there may be examples where there is a happening or mediating cause that would break the chain of causation.7 There are exemptions to this, obviously. For example, there may be where someone harms another person, yet doesn't harm murder the individual. In any case, the individual may be a Jehovah's Witness and declines a blood transfusion. In the event that the transfusion was gotten, at that point that individual would have lived. The litigant would even now be liable of homicide or murder, in view of what is known as the ?hin skull rule-this implies, for the most part, that you accept the casualty as you discover him or her.8 simultaneously, there are times when an exclusion may offer ascent to criminal obligation, with the end goal that a wrongdoing can be uplifted if the individual fails to help someone who was harmed by the criminal defendant.9 For example, in the event that someone whips someone, and doesn't get clinical consideration for the individual, and the individual kicks the bucket, at that point that individual is liable of homicide or manslaughter.10 Likewise, there is additionally an issue in regards to interceding causation.11 One of the main cases for this is R v. Cheshire.12 In R v. Cheshire, the litigant assaulted and shot a man in a fish and chip shop, and he experienced medical procedure. At the point when he was in medical procedure there was a careless demonstration, in which the specialist couldn't analyze the motivation behind why the patient kicked the bucket. The specialist misdiagn osed the explanation for the patient's windedness and respiratory impediment. In any case, it was discovered that the main way that the causation would be broken would be if the clinical staff was wild, not just careless. Subsequently, the litigant for this situation was seen as subject for the demise, since he set up the causation with his battery in the first place.13 That stated, there can likewise be where the carelessness of an outsider would break the chain of causation, to such an extent that the respondent who set up the demonstration would not be careless for the
Riordan Manufacturing Essay Example
Riordan Manufacturing Essay Riordan Manufacturing has creation plants situated in Albany, GA, Pontiac, MI, and their abroad plant in Hangzhouz, China. Every area is answerable for various creation lines and stock. The Research and Development division is situated in San Jose, CA, Riordans central station. Riordan Manufacturings Vice President (VP) of Operations has an assistance demand for a usage of a Manufacturing Resource Plan (MRP) among Riordans three plants into one framework. This solicitation will make it simpler to keep up the stock of crude materials and inished items (Apollo Group, Inc. 2013). A MRP will improve the present PC frameworks. The VP of Operations, Mark Neitzel, asked for the framework. The framework incorporates Inventor Oversight, which is broken into two parts: The Inventory PC and the Customer Shipping and Billing. The further breakdown of the framework needs to follow all approaching crude materials, the assembling of item followed side-effect stock, the transportation of all items t o customers, and the charging of customers. The framework is separated into work processes performed every day by each plant. Approaching crude materials work process. 1. The Supply truck shows up at Receiving Dock with crude materials 2. The Dock Supervisor analyzes delivering records against booked approaching requests 3. When requests are agreed, the accepting group empties truck and moves crude materials into the production line. 4. Toward the day's end, the Dock Supervisor gives the log of every single got material to the Receiving Clerk. 5. The Receiving Clerk enters the nformation into the Inventory PC: the kind of crude materials, seller, and amount. Assembling/Product stock work process. 1. The Manufacturing Staff finishes stock utilization structure demonstrating the sort and amount of crude materials utilized for assembling and gathering 2. The Inventory Clerk enters the data from the use structure into the PC. 3. In the wake of assembling is finished, producing staff rounds out stock structure. 4. Stock assistant enters the structures data into the PC alongside Bill of Materials (80M). Item transportation work process. Requests from clients show up by telephone, fax, or deals staff and are recorded onto deals request structures. 2. The Sales Orders data from structures are gone into Customer Shipping and Billing System. 3. The Shipping Staff load trucks with items indicated by the delivery archive produced every day by the Customer Shipping and Billing System (Bill of Materials-BOM) (ADempiere, 2011). 4. Stock agent refreshes the Sipping Documents into the Inventory PC dependent on the transportation archives. Riordan Manufac turing By makemoves2014 We will compose a custom exposition test on Riordan Manufacturing explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Riordan Manufacturing explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Riordan Manufacturing explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer
Monday, June 29, 2020
Attorney Conflict of Interest Case Brief - 825 Words
Attorney Conflict of Interest Case Brief (Essay Sample) Content: Unit 8 Assignment:Conflicts of InterestPA305: Law Office ManagementProfessor DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT October 16, 2016 Attorney Conflict of Interest Case Brief Title QUINTERO v. UNITED STATES Facts Manuel Quintero, who was convicted on possession of cocaine charges with intent to distribute and conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute, motioned the trial court to vacate his sentence on grounds of ineffective assistance of counsel attributed to a potential conflict of interest involving his attorney. Quintero, an indigent defendant, cited prejudicial errors made by his attorney during trial which may have been the result of disloyalty due to the fact that Quinteroà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s attorneyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s fees were paid by an undisclosed third party. The trial court denied the motion and Quintero appealed the decision before the U.S. Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit. Issue The government contended that Perez had to demonstrate "an actual conflict of interest adversely affects his lawyerà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s performance. As such, the main issues were: 1 Whether or not defense counselà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s failure to comply with MRPC Rules 1.7(b) and1.8(f)(1-2) constituted a conflict of interest effectively denying defendantà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel. 2 Whether such a conflict of interest affected counselà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s performance when he repeatedly insisted defendant not accept a plea agreement. Rule Model Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.7(a)(2): (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), a lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation involves a concurrent conflict of interest. A concurrent conflict of interest exists if: (2) there is a significant risk that the representation of one or more clients will be materially limited by the lawyer's responsibilities to another client, a former client or a third person or by a personal interest of the lawyer (American Bar Association, 2003). Model Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1.8(f)(1-2):A lawyer shall not accept compensation for representing a client from one other than the client unless:(1) the client gives informed consent;(2) there is no interference with the lawyer's independence of professional judgment or with the client-lawyer relationship; and Model Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 5.4(c): (Center for professional responsibility, 2006) (c) A lawyer shall not permit a person who recommends, employs, or pays the lawyer to render legal services for another to direct or regulate the lawyer's professional judgment in rendering such legal services (Burns, 2016). Model Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 8.4(a)(c): It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:(a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;(d) engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice (Schneeman, 2000) Decision The United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit reversed and remanded Quinteroà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s conviction after an evidentiary hearing was conducted to determine whether or not conflict of interest in violation of ethical rules was a primary motivating factor behind the attorneyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s repeated insistence that the defendant not accept a plea agreement. The court noted that the attorneyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s misconduct may have also obstructed justice because defendantà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s guilty plea and cooperation with authorities could have led to the prosecution of unindicted coconspirators. The court also found that the outcome for the defendant was adversely affected by the counselà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s ineffective assistance because defendant would have received a lighter sentence had the attorney recommended he accept the plea agreement. Reasoning The right to effective assistance of counsel is a fundamental right guaranteed to all criminal defendants by the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Model Rules of Professional Conduct, as adopted by the American Bar Association, clearly define the obligation of attorneys to refrain from any conduct that adversely affects the attorneyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s duty of loyalty and independent judgment to the client. The standard for proving ineffective assistance of counsel was established in Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984) where the court held that, "With regard to the required showing of ...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Civil Rights Movement - Education, Leadership, and Action
Civil Rights Movement - Education, Leadership, and ActionYou can really change the world with an essay you write, and this is what we call a civil rights movement. When I say 'civil rights movement,' I don't mean just black people and minorities, but non-whites as well. There are organizations that help non-whites in trying to improve the status of other minorities, and they need all the help they can get. We need to continue to help people in any minority group, and we need to do it for the greater good.The white Americans who live in the suburbs of Boston or Nashville don't have much to do with black people, but the blacks and other minorities have to deal with whites all the time. A lot of non-whites have problems getting jobs, and a lot of non-whites don't want to stay in their own communities because they feel trapped. People with problems don't feel free, and that is why I call this the civil rights movement.In some communities, this kind of lifestyle isn't tolerated. Why? Beca use many people have had enough. So the more people we have in a community, the better.There are going to be times when something like this hits home, and you realize that your children, grandkids, and even your neighbor's children don't have the same kind of lives you had. It is going to happen to you, and that is why you need to take advantage of this opportunity and make a difference. Don't wait for someone else to do something for you; find out who you can help first.Some people have the education level to write about it, and that is good but for those who don't have the education, and aren't exposed to the issues, and don't understand the issue, then you need to teach them about the issues. You need to show them what is going on, because they won'tunderstand what is going on unless they see for themselves. It is that simple.The civil rights movement is not something that is going to disappear anytime soon. It is too important. Make sure that you are doing your part by learning more about this topic and making a difference in the lives of those who are affected by the issues.We need to keep changing the culture, but as of now, the civil rights movement is here to stay. It will continue, and I know for a fact that when this happens the world will see how wonderful we really are.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Role Of Mass Media And Poverty - 1561 Words
Within this paper I am going to examine the mass media and and the role it serves in poverty and how poverty is perceived among the modern day public. The first thing we must examine is what exactly constitutes the media in all of its forms. Foremost, the media exists absolutely everywhere. Whether that be through TV, the Internet, newspapers, and radio. Each one garners for our societies undivided attention on whatever topic it chooses to be worthy of reporting and bringing to light. Overall the mass media is a tool used to draw the attention of the general populace, generally the media is used as a means of gaining political support or a following. Although it can also be used as a more positive force in general, for example when aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The general public views most sorts of media as a form of escapism from their normal lives, they dont watch TV or tune into news sources to see the mundane and grim things about life even if it does catch their attention at times briefly. They prefer stories on extraordinary topics. We dont want to see an image of a poor person or a starving child or a grim battlefield across the world because we cant relate to it and it exposes us to the more grim realities of our life that society has taught us to turn a blind eye to. The media would much rather report on a story such as a flood in early 2000 and in Mozambique because a woman there was forced to give birth in a tree. Although the very same day, 300 Mozambique children died from hunger and sickness and not a single news report was done on them or about their plight. The reason is because no matter what in the medias eye they need to catch the general populaces attention and a bizarre story about a baby being born in a tree will do that but a story about 300 children dying will not. As messed up and sad as it is to say the next day another 300 kids will die but more than likely a baby wont be born in a tree. The media has developed the tactic of trying to keep our attention with more simplistic and mundane things. Therefore, reporting in depth on topics such as natural disasters across the globes and political strife or events in otherShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing Violence and Crime in USA1357 Words à |à 5 Pagestight connections among culture, media, and capitalism creating unique circumstances that result in excessive violence and rage relative to other youth around the world. This essay will first introduce the subject of juvenile crime and youth violence and indentify similarities to these situations around the world. 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Fox News fails to address the sexual double standards which are prevailing in teen parenting, the impact of the mediaâ⠬â¢s assumptions of teen mothers and the actual reality of these hardships. Example ofRead MoreThe City Of Vancouver Is World Renowned For Being A Beautiful1740 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe third least affordable housing market in the world, Vancouver is home to Canadaââ¬â¢s poorest neighbourhood, the Downtown Eastside (DTES). Due to the high costs of living, the city of Vancouver has a large amount of poverty and homelessness. The DTES has high rates of ââ¬Å"drug use, poverty, crime, infectious disease, and mental illnessâ⬠(Linden, Mar, Werker, Jang, Krausz, 2013, p. 559). There is a large amount of socially neglected and undesirable people living in the marginalized area. 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Sociology allows people to understand why groups of people act the way they do, and allows us to examine their culture, background, and heritage. The study of sociology also explains how culture plays a role in the way groups of people act, and how it reflects their society. C. Wright Mills said that the sociological imagination is the ability to look beyond the personal troubles of people to see the public issues of social structur e. Mills also believedRead MoreEssay about Immigration and the Media1367 Words à |à 6 Pagesthese people began a mass assimilation of cultural ideology and customs into the United States. With recent technological advancements, such as television and the internet, news and information can be widely shared concerning immigration. With the continual increase of news programs, Americans today are often bombarded with all sorts of pressing issues in todays society- but, how do you decide where to get information about issues such as immigration? 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Saturday, May 16, 2020
How Enslaved Africans Resisted Slavery - 1696 Words
Enslaved African Americans resisted slavery in a variety of active and passive ways. Day-to-day resistance was the most common form of opposition to slavery. Breaking tools, feigning illness, staging slowdowns, and committing acts of arson and sabotage--all were forms of resistance and expression of slaves alienation from their masters. Forms varied, but the common denominator in all acts of resistance was an attempt to claim some measure of freedom against an institution that defined people fundamentally as property. Perhaps the most common forms of resistance were those that took place in the work environment. After all, slavery was ultimately about coerced labor, and the enslaved struggled daily to define the terms of their work.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the South, the preconditions for successful rebellion did not exist, and tended to bring increased suffering and repression to the slave community. Violent rebellion was rarer and smaller in scale in the American South than in Brazil or the Caribbean, reflecting the relatively small proportion of blacks in the southern population, the low proportion of recent migrants from Africa, and the relatively small size of southern plantations. Compared to the Caribbean, prospects for successful sustained rebellions in the American South were bleak. In Jamaica, slaves outnumbered whites by ten or eleven to one; in the South, a much larger white population was committed to suppressing rebellion. In general, Africans were more likely than slaves born in the New World to participate in outright revolts. Not only did many Africans have combat experience prior to enslavement, but they also had fewer family and community ties that might inhibit violent insurrection. Another common form of slave resistance was theft. Slaves pilfered fruits, vegetables, livestock, tobacco, liquor, and money from their masters. The theft of foodstuffs was especially common and was justified on several grounds. First, slave rations were often woefully inadequate in providing the nutrition and calories necessary to support the daily exertions of plantation labor. Hungry slaves reasoned that the masterââ¬â¢s abundance should be shared with those who produced it. Second, slavesShow MoreRelatedAfrican American History During The 19th Century Essay1734 Words à |à 7 Pagesdescribe the development of African Americans from the 16th century to the 19th century. They reveal how their status changed to one of complete submission and their lower position codified within the law. However they also reveal how they were able to make a difference and help secure their own freedom. Common themes present in the texts are resistance and creolization. The texts are significant in that they show how African Americans were able to adapt to life in America. 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Exploring Chapter 1, allowed me to view the way different cultures took advantage of not only African Americans, but Native Americans as well. Native Americans were invaded by Spanish settlers, taken into slavery and forced to live with harsh living conditions. Settlers exposedRead MoreThe Resistance Of African American Children Towards The Institution Of Slavery1873 Words à |à 8 PagesResistance of African American Children towards the Institution of Slavery Slavery in America was a horrible time in history. Africans that were captured from warfare from West Africa and were being traded as slaves for goods (Vasconcellos). Slavery did not just stop at enslaving adults, but children were also enslaved. Children of slaves were born into slavery. Slave families were always on the constant threat of being separated (Williams, 2010). This meant that many enslaved children didRead MoreSlavery s Impact On America s Economic And Social Life984 Words à |à 4 PagesMrs. Sparks US History Slavery s impact on Americaââ¬â¢s economic and social life Slavery in the United States was at the same time both economically beneficial to southern planters and unsustainable due to the industrial revolution and the reliance upon single cash crops. In this document I will explain what forms of slave resistance existed in American society, how and why slavery was beneficial to the United States, how the slaves in the United States were treated and how the slaves were tradedRead MoreFrederick Douglass And The Abolition Of Slavery1713 Words à |à 7 PagesEnslaved Africans committed a myriad of acts that are considered rebellion, or resistance, against the institution of slavery. They rebelled against their positions in a variety of ways--sometimes small, subtle acts; other times very obvious and direct implications. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Le Corbusier s Design Of The Capital Complex At Chandigarh
Le Corbusier began working on the master plan of Chandigarh, India, in 1951 (ââ¬Å"About Chandigarhâ⬠). The city was intended to serve both as the administrative seat of the newly partitioned state of Punjab and as an architectural symbol of Jawaharlal Nehruââ¬â¢s burgeoning democracy, writ in the future-facing language of European modernism.â⬠The country was ââ¬Å"about to inherit the cultural role of modernism that the west had lost in fifty years of stupidity and warâ⬠. The name of the location of this so-called ââ¬Å"modernistâ⬠inheritance is Chandigarh. Le Corbusier had a grandiose vision for Indiaââ¬â¢s new urban center that he hoped would become an example to the world of an urban center in the ââ¬Å"second machine ageâ⬠(Jencks 282). Chandigarh is located near the foothills of the Siwalik range of the Himalayas in northwest India. It covers an area of approximately 114 square kilometers (ââ¬Å"About Chandigarhâ⬠). Le Corbusierââ¬â¢s design of the capital complex at Chandigarh was constructed with one very clear, overarching goal: to forge ââ¬Å"a unique synthesis between ancient and modern culturesâ⬠- part progressive, part five thousand years old (101 Gast). Yet, the progressiveness of the formal elements of the complex does not communicate the urbanity and liveliness that Le Corbusier intended. Le Corbusierââ¬â¢s plan called for the complete separation of government buildings from the rest of the city. Chandigarhââ¬â¢s capital complex and ââ¬Å"the dispersion of its buildings evoke images of an ancientâ⬠urban model likeShow MoreRelatedOverall View Of Villa Savoye2389 Words à |à 10 PagesOverall View of Chandigarh Villa Savoye was built in 1929 and finished built in 1931, located at Poissy, France. This is one of the master work of Le Corbusier to show the Modern Architecture as well as the elements of international style (Kroll 2010.). It is also one of the building that dedicate and affect the modern architectures in 20th century (Arsenault 2014.). He has comply the objective of the concept of ââ¬Å"a machine of living inâ⬠for Villa Savoye (Kroll 2010.). Moreover, Le Corbusier create a rampRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 Pagesdifferences between industrialized Europe and North America and the developing world, as well as the contrasts in urban design and living conditions between different sorts of political regimesââ¬â communist, capitalist, colonial, and fascist. Particularly revealing are Spodekââ¬â¢s discussions of the influence of prominent urban planners and architectsââ¬â including Le Corbusier and the Chicago Schoolââ¬âurban preservation and the city as the locus of global cultural development, and the ways in which
What Are The Effects Of Concussions In Sports - 1331 Words
In November of 2016 Former NFL Football player, Kevin Turner died of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) at the age of forty-six years old. Shockingly, it was found after his death that he died of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) not ALS. From this new discovery, the idea of ALS and CTE being linked was brought forth. ALS is a disease that attacks and weakens all other parts of the body except the brain, whereas CTE is a brain disease that is found in people who have experienced repetitive head injuries. There has been multiple studies and research on why older athletes are becoming diagnosed with ALS or CTE but now scientists are starting to find the disease in younger athletes as well. The number one fact that has been linked toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦However, there are two types of ALS, which are Sporadic ALS and Familial ALS. Sporadic ALS can happen to anyone and makes up most of 90% to 95% of cases, while Familial ALS is inherited and thats about 5% to 10% of cases. Some ailments related to the disease are Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS), Progressive Bulbar Palsy (PBP), and Werdnig-Hoffman disease. PLS is a slightly less severe form of ALS, but it does affect the upper body. PBP is a muscle weakness of the body, however, the lower body is affected. Werdnig-Hoffman is a spinal cord disease that affects both children and infants. For all three types, there is no treatment or cure that will slow down the progression. In support of the patients with ALS, multiple support groups have been made, and in addition, patients will donate their brain to science to further the research in finding a cure. In result, ALS isnt the only disease that poses a big issue in sports, CTE also has a notable impact. While ALS attacks the body except for the brain, CTE is a disease that attacks the brain and can only be diagnosed after death. According to the Concussion Legacy Foundation, the way CTE works is from a protein called tau. This protein clumps, spreads throughout the brain and ends up killing the brain cells. During the disease, the victims mood and behavior are affected as well as changing their impulse control, causing depression, aggression, and paranoia. The causes of CTEShow MoreRelatedSports Is The Most Dangerous Sport1464 Words à |à 6 Pagessociety, sports are the main highlight in the lives of youth, collegiate, and some adults. Many boys and girls have hopes and dreams of one day becoming a professional athlete. Many people are so involved in the love of the game, that they are unaware if the dangers their children are in. The most dangerous sport involves the lives of males. Over the past decade, many athletes have died or have brain problems because of so many hits t o the head, causing them to have a concussion. Concussions damageRead MoreAthletes And Concussions With Concussions1738 Words à |à 7 Pages300,000 concussions each year (11 Facts). A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that causes swelling of the brain s soft tissue and disrupts normal brain function (Concussion). A concussion has potential to impact memory and coordination for the rest of the athlete s life along with lead to other, more serious, brain injuries. In order for athletes to reduce the effects from concussions, they need to be educated on the symptoms, ways to avoid the injury, and the possible lifelong effects. ForRead MoreConcussions : Headgear For High School1565 Words à |à 7 Pages Concussions: Headgear for High School Hunter Brock Harrison Mr. Brian Wayne Townsend 11th Grade English 5 March 2015 Concussions: Headgear for High School Introduction- Specialized headgear and better concussion protocol should be utilized in high school sports to prevent serious brain injuries. What is a Concussion? Definition and Causes Symptoms and Effects Long-Term Effects High School/College Statistics On Concussions Concussion Stats Wake Forest Study How To Provide SafetyRead MoreThe Nfl : League Of Denial1317 Words à |à 6 Pagesquestion the NFLââ¬â¢s concussion protocol. The book was originally produced as a documentary on PBS, which aired in 2010. The two authors, Mark and Steve Fainaru are ESPN reporters, and brothers. Steve Fainaru formerly worked as a war reporter in Iraq, while Mark Fainaru primarily focused on sports journalism. In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Mark Fairnaru describes the book as documenting pretty extensively two decades worth of denial by the league to basically bury the concussion issue as anythingRead MoreThe Price of Concussions in Sports1084 Words à |à 4 PagesWebsterââ¬â¢s story highlights the devastating effect concussions can have in a short timeframe. Because brain injuries are known to develop quickly it is important that the NFL responds quickly to this concussion crisis. The NFL is the most popular professional sports league in the world: according to Forbes Magazine the N FL generated over $9 billion in revenue this past year. Despite this success the NFL faces a legitimate threat against brain injuries and concussions. Although the NFL is popular, they shouldRead MoreSports And Play After A Concussion913 Words à |à 4 PagesReturning to Sports and Play After A Concussion, Pediatric A concussion is a brain injury from a direct blow to the head or body. This blow causes the brain to shake quickly back and forth inside the skull. This can damage brain cells and cause chemical changes in the brain. Concussions can have serious effects on a child s developing brain. Children may get a concussion while playing sports or doing athletic activities. A concussion can cause temporary problems with certain brain functionsRead MoreEssay about Concussions Around The World685 Words à |à 3 PagesConcussions are a rising issue in the daily life of many athletes in the sports of hockey, soccer, football, and skateboarding. Every 21 seconds, someone in this country encounters a brain injury. Concussions are brain injuries caused by jolts or hard hits around the head. When the tissue of the brain slams against the strong, thick skull in your head, a concussion is very common. This leads to either swelling of the brain, ââ¬Å"torn blood vessels, or injury to the nerves.â⬠(Haas) Eventually, the resultRead MoreSports And Its Effects On Sports1397 Words à |à 6 Pages Concussions in Sports Sports have been a major source of entertainment since the Romans and Greek times, when the Greeks had the earliest version of the Olympic games, and the Romans had gladiator fights and chariot races. In the United States sports, still plays a significant role as one of the leading entertainment industries in the country. In 2010, the big four US professional sports leagues, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, generated $22 billion in gross revenue, with the whole US sports industry generatingRead MoreConcussions Affecting The Lives Of Athletes1470 Words à |à 6 PagesConcussions Affecting the Lives of Athletes In todayââ¬â¢s society, sports are the main highlight in the lives of youth, collegiate, and some adults. Many boys and girls have hopes and dreams of one day becoming a professional athlete. Many people are so involved in the love of the game, that they are unaware if the dangers their children are in. The most dangerous sport involves the lives of males. Over the past decade, many athletes have died or have brain problems because of so many hits to theRead MorePersuasive Speech On Concussions1276 Words à |à 6 Pagescaused through playing sports and getting in accidents at any moment of time. Soccer is known as a contact sport from headers to player-player contact. Any type of contact while playing soccer the risk of injuries depend on how hard the compact is. Injuries from playing soccer that are common are concussions, they are a major factor that can cause brain-trauma. Soccer isnââ¬â¢t the only sport with the risk of concussions, any sport with any physical contact has a risk of concussions, or any other injuries
Healthcare And Socioeconomic Situations â⬠Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Healthcare And Socioeconomic Situations? Answer: Introduction Healthcare and socioeconomic situations of people are highly interrelated, and the experts believe that there exists an inverse relationship between socioeconomic conditions and good health (Pampel,, 2010). Social inequalities have affected our society for several years, and in a great many ways, apart from health care. Low income comes with many other side effects, such as disparity in education, living conditions and so on, and this, in turn, has been seen to affect the health conditions of the population living in such conditions. The population group selected for the research and report is people with socioeconomic disadvantages. This report will cover a brief about the general characteristics of the population group, their disadvantages that makes them different, and also the health concerns experienced by this group of population. Population Characteristics:; There is no clear demarcation between group of population with socioeconomic disadvantages and those who come with advantages of financial status and high salary. However, for the sake of demarcation, one can briefly explain the population group under study as those who have financial constraints, and have lower average income. The characteristics include: Staying in poor living conditions No proper nutrition Prone to drinking/tobacco/high smoking Poor health due to low hygiene Essentially, this group can be identified through their lower income, which contributes to the further disadvantages, and mostly, an inherent fear of healthcare system or distrust/disbelief in it (Becker,, 2003). Major health problems in people with socioeconomic disadvantage: With low exercise, and poor diet, and no inbound inclination, the population group with socioeconomic disadvantages suffers through hoards of health issues (Pampel,, 2010). It is, therefore, expected that when a person is finding it difficult to make ends meet, he or she might not be thinking about approaching the healthcare with minor troubles with health. As a result, this population group is prone to suffer a myriad of health problems, including: Obesity (due to unhealthy eating habits) Cardiovascular disease Consumption Non-identification of diseases leading to complications Malnutrition in children and adults Oral health No proper paediatric care This population group, therefore, is one of the most-studied ones in the history of healthcare, and arriving at a perfect solution is difficult. It is not that there is non-availability of health workers or the health care system in place, but the inclination to approach them, which is missing among people with socioeconomic disadvantages (Mustard,, 1995). There are several healthcare workers who specifically work for this population group, and had faced alarming rate of disapprovals and disbelief despite doing their duty. However, the health concerns and issues such as low hygiene and poor diet persist and is a challenge that is yet to overcome. Health risks and challenges faced: The higher rate of health risks and persistent problems among the lower income groups or SES- Low socioeconomic status communities are attributed to several combined factors (Marcin,, 2003). Consider the example of obesity among the SES groups. With socioeconomic disadvantage, one is conscious of the eating patterns, nutritional intake, unlimited access to fast food or not caring about what goes in terms of food. Other factors such as excess alcohol consumption also accelerate the obesity rate in this population group. This, therefore, enhances the risk of obesity among the SES. As determined by a research, the men show a marked increase in the obesity rate among the SES group (Ghosh,, 2016). The social determinants, such as the place a person is born with, and the habits he or she develops with age, contributes to the poor nutritional intake, other indulgent habits such as drinking and tobacco, and so on. The social factors contribute largely to the health inequalities that is seen between the high and lower SES groups. With poor sanitation, nutrition and hygiene, the children in the SES group suffer a maximum disadvantage. The higher mortality rate due to injuries that can only be due to the living conditions (with no safety measures to keep children away from fire or other sharp gadgets). Hence, because of the environmental factors, such as the living conditions and sanitation, as well as dangerous injury causing agents (unmonitored road crossing, firearm, and so on), there is an increased rate of infant and paediatric mortality/injury in this population group (Marcin., 2003). Another possible reason for the significant injuries and health problems in infants/children may be due to large numbers of single parent (mother) households in low SES communities, with mothers not aware of the importance of physician visit symptoms of a disease (Heck,, 2002). There are other health issues, such as cardiovascular diseases and oral health, which are again problems related to social determinants, and health behaviours. Both the above mentioned health concerns are completely related to poor eating habits, no proper hygiene and also non-identification of problems at an early stage (Winkleby,, 1992). Hence, the inherent habits, eating and sleeping conditions, and the quality of life, contributes significantly to the health concerns that are seen among the population with socioeconomic disadvantage. Common barriers to health and health care: AS determined earlier, it is not the health care system itself that is to be blamed. There are several health care centres set up exclusively to deal with the low SES communities. The problem, therefore, is within the mindset of the people and their attitude towards health and health care. For instance, a single mother of an infant, might not have time or inclination to bring her child for a regular physician's visit or care about the symptoms, until it is too late or hard to avoid. Similarly, an overweight or obese individual might not worry about eating properly unless his heart gives away. Hence, the challenge for a healthcare worker here, is to make people aware of their problems or at least manage to bring them into the care, so that their conditions can be monitored and dealt with, successfully. However, one need to understand that the people livng in Low SES communities either do not worry about taking an insurance, or do not have access to it, or simply cannot afford it. Hence, they are more apprehensive about approaching the facility with their health concerns (Mustard,, 1995). Another challenge is to make a person change a habit that has been inculcated from his birth. How will the children learn the necessity of maintaining hygiene (both physical and oral), if their parents and elders are not following it? How can a child learn to wash his hands before eating, or a teenager know the ill effects of drinking, when they have been taught (or rather, seen) the same, life long? To break the habits of a lifetime, and to inculcate new habits, explain the ill effects of poor hygiene or drinking, and other problems that are seen in low SES groups, is a challenge that a health care worker need to encounter at every step. Role as a healthcare nurse for people with socioeconomic disadvantage: It is not easy to break barriers, or overcome social challenges to successfully care for the population under discussion. Since each health care worker (a nurse or a physician) has to deal with uncompromising conditions and unalterable habits while dealing with low SES communities, it requires both determination and a strong inclination to bring the changes that this population sector requires. As a nurse, my first and foremost concern would be to study the problems related to a particular community. Even among the low SES groups, the challenges differ, the complications vary. Communities with people belonging to multicultural groups, people with different religious beliefs, and also with cultural dissimilarities might prove to be harder to handle. Hence, studying the individual group which comes under the health care centre I work with, will be the first hurdle. Secondly, as a nurse, my concern would be to bring those living in the community to understand the basic rules of hygiene, and proper nutrition. Since most of the problem stems from these concerns, starting with this can be of great advantage. Children are more Moldable than the adults. Conducting oral hygiene classes in small groups for children, where one can show pictorial presentation of the importance of oral health, can help alter their habits. Similarly, talking about changing their eating habits, including healthy, yet cheaper options (replacing fries with eggs or bread), can make the changes required. Similarly, looking at the poor post-hospital outcomes in the low income SES groups, due to either unavailability of proper systems at home or economic constraints, this is one major issue that I will work upon, while serving this community (Kangovi,, 2014). Conclusion: Change cannot be made overnight. Although the low income Socioeconomic communities have many disadvantages, related to environmental, social and health factors, they are also studied in great detail for years together. Many changes have also been seen among these communities, and the younger generation is more adaptable to the alterations made in their lifestyle. It is, however, the elder and the older generations, who need to be brought into the picture, and their health concerns addressed effectively. References American Psychological Association (2017). Children, Youth, Families and Socioeconomic Status. Retrieved from [Accessed on 12th Aug 2017]. American Psychological Association (2017). Socioeconomic Status. Retrieved from [Accessed on 12th Aug 2017]. Ghosh, A., Charlton, K. E., Batterham, M. J. (2016). Socioeconomic disadvantage and its implications for population health planning of obesity and overweight, using cross-sectional data from general practices from a regional catchment in Australia. BMJ Open, 6(5), e010405. Gornick, M. E. (2002). Measuring the Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Health Care. Retrieved from [Accessed on 12th Aug 2017]. Heck, K. E., Parker, J. D. (2002). Family Structure, Socioeconomic Status, and Access to Health Care for Children. Health Serv Res., 37(1), 171-184. Kruger, E., Tennant, M. (2016). Socioeconomic disadvantage and oral-health-related hospital admissions: a 10-year analysis. BDJ Open. Retrieved from [Accessed on 12th Aug 2017]. Kangovi, S., Barg, F. K., Carter, T., Levy, K., Sellman, J., Long, J. A., Grande, D. (2014). Challenges Faced by Patients with Low Socioeconomic Status During the Post-Hospital Transition. J Gen Intern Med., 29(2), 283-289. Mustard, C. A., Frohlich, N. (1995). Socioeconomic Status and the Health of the Population. Med Care, 33(12 Suppl), DS43-54. Marcin, J. P., Schembri, M. S., He, J., Romano, P. S. (2003). A Population-Based Analysis of Socioeconomic Status and Insurance Status and Their Relationship With Pediatric Trauma Hospitalization and Mortality Rates. Am J Public Health, 93(3), 461-466 Marcin, J. P., Schembri, M. S., He, J., Romano, P. S. (2003). A Population-Based Analysis of Socioeconomic Status and Insurance Status and Their Relationship With Pediatric Trauma Hospitalization and Mortality Rates. Am J Public Health, 93(3), 461-466 Pampel, F. C., Krueger, P. M., Denney, J. T. (2010). Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Behaviours. Annu Rev Sociol., 36, 349-370. Winkleby, M. A., Jatulis, D. E., Frank, E., Fortmann, S. P. (1992). Socioeconomic status and health: how education, income, and occupation contribute to risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Am J Public Health, 82(6), 816-820. World Health Organization (2012). What are social determinants of health? Retrieved from [Accessed on 12th Aug 2017].
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Use of Strategic Management Tools-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management tools and its use in the business process. Answer: Introduction The aim of this essay is to help the reader to gain knowledge about the strategic management tools and its use in the business process. Every business needs to use strategies to initiate activities that help them to grow in the external environment. The below mentioned is a detailed analysis of the PESTEL analysis, Porters Five Forces and Resource Based view analysis on an organization. More details about these tools are discussed below: Strategic development tools The strategic development tools are those tools that are used by companies to evaluate the market conditions and initiate activities in such a way that they can easily gain reputation in the target market. Use of these tools enhances the scope of the company to initiate successful activities in front of the target audience. Further, it should be noted that the external market is becoming tough day by day due to which the companies now days faces difficulties to sustain their growth in the environment. Thus, these tools help them to initiate sustainable competitive edge in the market (Moutinho, and Phillips 2018). PESTEL The PESTEL analysis refers to the strategic development tool that helps the business to evaluate the external market conditions and then enact their actions accordingly. The full form of this abbreviation is Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal analysis. The political analysis talks about the governmental features that affect the growth of the company in an environment. Economic talks about the GDP growth, inflation, employment rate etc. aspects of the country that directly affects the working of an organization. The Social aspects explain the culture of the country and the behavior of people living that country towards specific products and services. Technological aspects explain the extent to which technology is present, used and appreciated in the country. Lastly, the legal aspects explain the legal rules and regulations present in the country (Lancaster, and Massingham 2017). Further it should be noted that this aspects gives a full country analysis that helps companies in initiating their expansion decision. For instance, as the company PepsiCo initiated the PESTEL analysis to further understand the various feature about the country and relate it to their product so as to deliver an output to the customers present in their environment. This analysis successfully helped the company to increase their market share and profit margin by successfully understanding the features of the market in which they are present (Abushova, Burova, and Suloeva 2016). Further, it also helps the company in expanding their scope of activities. Like, a technological organization expands their business in the technological, so they should expand their activities in the market of Japan. As the market of Japan use high technology in their business that will help the company to easily procure raw material and use it in their activities as well (Manyaeva, Piskunov, and Fomin 2016). Thus, in this way this tool is used by business. Porter five forces Porters five forces is the industry analysis that talks about the industry trend and activities that can help the marketer to evaluate the growth of their company easily. The porter five forces includes bargaining power of buyer, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of substitutes, industry rivalry, threat from entrants. Bargaining power of buyer explains the power that is held by the buyers present in the market. If the buyers of the company have the advantage to mold the face of the industry according to their interest then it is regarded that they have high power in hand (David, David, and David 2017). Similarly, if the companies present in the market have the ability to change the market conditions then it should be noted that they high power in hand. Like in the case of airlines industry, the Boeing and Airbus are the only two suppliers present in the market. Thus, it should be noted that these suppliers have power in hand as they can change the contract with any company accord ing to their will and the company cannot deny (Suglobov, and Semenova 2017). Threat of substitutes refers to the threat related to the products and services of the company present in the industry. Like, there is presence of high degree of substitutes as in the airlines industry as these services can be substituted cheap services of roadways and railways. Industry rivalry talks about the level of competition present in the industry and the threat of entrants explains the market entry and exit process, capital investments etc. aspects of the industry. If there is easy market entry and exit and low capital investment then there would be high threat from entrants present in the market. Like, in the case of clothing industry, as there is low capital investment so there would high threat from entrants present in the industry (Blackwell, and Eppler 2014). Resource Based View The resource based view talks about the ability of the company to gain competitive advantage in the target market. The RBV talks about the type of resources that can be tangible or intangible. Tangible resources refer to the resources than can be seen or touched by people whereas intangible resources refer to the resources that cannot be seen or touched by people. Tangible resources are machineries; land etc. and intangible resources is goodwill, patent, trademark etc. After distributing the resources into tangible and intangible the company considers these resources to be heterogeneous and immobile. These are the two assumptions on which the activities of the company are based (Hoskisson, Gambeta, Green, and Li 2017). Heterogeneous refers to the assumption under which the company believes that the resources that they have are different and cannot be procured by any other organization in the same way. This will help the company to gain competitive advantage in the market. Like, the c ompany PG used this strategy to earn reputation in the market. The goodwill of the company helped them to sell the products with razor and blade strategy but this strategy cannot be used by all organizations (Gupta,Tan, Ee, and Phang 2018). Source: (Jurevicius 2013) Further, immobile assumption says that the resources of one organization cannot move to other organization and provide similar advantage to them as well. Immobility reduces replication and increases the competitive advantage. Further the VRIO analysis talks about the value, rarity, imitable and organized aspect of the resources and capabilities of the company that helps them to grow. The resources of the company should deliver values in the products served in the market. These resources should also be rare in nature. They should get replicated easily by other competitive organization (Nason, and Wiklund 2018). Further, the resources should be costly enough to imitate by organization competitor organizations. And lastly, these resources should be organized by the management in such a way they capture the value and serve it to customers present in the market. With the presence of these abilities in the resources, a company can easily gain sustainable competitive advantage in the market . Conclusion Thus, in the limelight of above mentioned events it should be noted that these tools have become an important part of the life cycle of an organization as they supports the decision making process of an organization and help them to grow in the changing environment as well. Thus, it should be noted that the tools like PESTEL, Porter and Resource Based view helps a business in initiating their activities and growing successfully. References Abushova, E., Burova, E. and Suloeva, S., 2016. Strategic analysis in telecommunication project management system. InInternet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems(pp. 76-84). Springer, Cham. Blackwell, R. and Eppler, D., 2014. An Approach to Strategic Situation Analysis: Using Models as Analytical Tools.Journal of Global Business Management,10(1), p.80. David, M.E., David, F.R. and David, F.R., 2017. The quantitative strategic planning matrix: a new marketing tool.Journal of Strategic Marketing,25(4), pp.342-352. Gupta, G., Tan, K.T.L., Ee, Y.S. and Phang, C.S.C., 2018. Resource-Based View of Information Systems: Sustainable and Transient Competitive Advantage Perspectives.Australasian Journal of Information Systems,22. Hoskisson, R.E., Gambeta, E., Green, C.D. and Li, T., 2017. Is my firm-specific investment protected? Overcoming the stakeholder investment dilemma in the resource based view.Academy of Management Review, (ja). Jurevicius, O., 2013. Resource Based View. Viewed on 15 April 2018 from Lancaster, G. and Massingham, L., 2017. The development of a strategic approach to marketing: its culture; internal macro-and external micro-environmental issues. InEssentials of Marketing Management(pp. 11-42). Routledge. Manyaeva, V., Piskunov, V. and Fomin, V., 2016. Strategic Management Accounting of Company Costs. Moutinho, L. and Phillips, P., 2018. Strategic analysis. InContemporary Issues in Strategic Management(pp. 46-79). Routledge. Nason, R.S. and Wiklund, J., 2018. An assessment of resource-based theorizing on firm growth and suggestions for the future.Journal of Management,44(1), pp.32-60. Suglobov, A.E. and Semenova, E.I., 2017. Development of methodical approaches to the analysis of a market environment of the organization.Economics of Agriculture of Russia.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The genre that I have chosen is comedy Essay Example
The genre that I have chosen is comedy Essay The genre that I have chosen is comedy is comedy. The reasons for why I have chosen this genre are that I know a lot about this genre as I usually watch comedy films in my spare time, so I also enjoy it to. The aspects that make a comedy a comedy are the 1 liners, the toilet humour, people hurting themselves humour, sexual innuendos and the fact that most comedy are funny in their own little way. Comedies are light-hearted dramas that are used to provoke laughter and amusement for the audience watching it. The comedy genre achieves this by exaggerating the situation, the language, actions and characters. There are many different forms of comedy including: Slapstick This is comedy with broad, aggressive, physical action, including harmless or painless cruelty and violence and sight gags, e.g., a custard pie in the face, collapsing houses, a fall in the ocean, a loss of trousers or skirts, runaway crashing cars, people chases, etc. The most recent of this type of film is Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1993) We will write a custom essay sample on The genre that I have chosen is comedy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The genre that I have chosen is comedy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The genre that I have chosen is comedy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Verbal Comedy This was classically typified by the cruel verbal wit of W. C. Fields, the sexual innuendo of Mae West or the verbal absurdity of dialogues in the Marx Brothers films, or later by the self-effacing, thoughtful humour of Woody Allen. Screwball Screwball comedies are light-hearted and romantic stories, commonly focusing on a battle of the sexes. They usually include visual gags, wacky characters, a fast-paced plot, and rapid-fire wisecracking dialogue reflecting sexual tensions and conflicts in the blossoming of a relationship (or the patching up of a marriage) for an attractive couple with on-going differences. Parody or Spoofs These types comedy are usually humorous take-offs of more serious films. These types completely over exaggerate the plot, the action and especially the characters in order to have its mocking type of effect. The most recent of these types of films is Scary Movie 1 2, both a take off of successful horror films. Cinematic comedy can be considered as the oldest film genre, it was ideal for the early silent films as it was dependent on visual action. The earliest comedy made was produced by the Lumiere Brothers in 1895 and was titled Watering the Gardener There have been many comedies released over the last century the most recent releases have been: American pie 1 2 Road Trip Scary Movie 1 2 Other films that fit in with this genre include: Shriek if you know what I did last Friday 13th Ace Ventura Dude, wheres my car? Dogma Plot The plot of comedies usually depends on the type of comedy the film, whether it being spoof comedy or screwball comedy they all differ. Although there are a few similarities, all comedies use sight gags, 1 liners etc, in order to stay with that genre. Examples, Road Trip use many visual gags. Characters In most comedies the characters can be easily stereotyped. There is always a Cheerleader or Captain of a football team, there is always a Dumb Blonde who never gets the jokes and there is always a Sexually Frustrated Geek. Occasionally, the comedy genres add a Goth or Rocker or someone of an alternative scene into a film. Examples Scary Movie and Cant Hardly Wait. Narrative The way in which the story is told revolves around the 1 liners, the sexual innuendos etc Stars The stars that are most likely to be associated with this genre are: Charlie Chaplin, Harry Lloyd and Buster Keaton and a more recent actor Seann William Scott etc. The 2 film covers above are American Pie 2 and Scary Movie. American Pie 2 and Scary Movie have many differences, the most obvious of which is that American Pie 2 has some relation to Screwball comedies and Scary Movie has relation to Parody or Spoof comedies. Whilst American Pie 2 exaggerates aspects of the film, Scary Movie overly exaggerates the film mocking most slasher movies, i.e. Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer etc. The Films both rely on visual gags, but Scary Movie uses much more of them to add to its mocking tone. Soundtracks, American Pie 2 uses a romantic sort of soundtrack whilst Scary Movie uses a more haunting soundtrack in order to stay as a parody of slasher films. In similarities, both American Pie 2 and Scary Movie have the stereotypical characters of the comedy drama; there is the Cheerleader Buffy in Scary Movie and Captain of the team Oz in American Pie, there are the sexually frustrated geeks, Jim and Bobby.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
The Benefits of a Birth Order Essay Sample
The Benefits of a Birth Order Essay SampleA birth order essay sample is a must-have resource for new moms. How else will they prepare for the state of their child's brain?Birth order is an important psychological tool to help prepare new mothers for the development of their babies' brains. Newborns that are placed by the mother in specific biological order, such as first born, last born, or sibling first, have shown higher IQs than those that are not placed in the order, and even by the time the children are one and a half years old. This is no mean feat, but the results are undeniable.Many new mothers feel overwhelmed by the emotions of giving birth. They want to be in charge, but the nurses, doctors, and medical personnel are all too preoccupied with tending to the new mother's many physical needs, and often all she gets to do is take a short nap while the rest of the staff works.If this scenario sounds familiar, it is important for new mothers to remember that a five-page essay du ring labor and delivery may not seem like much, but if their needs are more urgent, it can provide the impetus needed to focus on improving their parenting skills and preparing their children for school. This is especially true of breastfeeding mothers, who need to focus on breast feeding their babies, as well as how to care for the baby and pay attention to the baby's cues. It is also important to remind new mothers that much of what they experience in childbirth is internal, and that the physical needs of the baby must be attended to while the physical needs of the mother are being attended to.On the other hand, however, a birth order essay is not just a way to reminisce and bond with a child that has already been born. It is also a learning tool for future mothers, especially if they are rearing babies of different genders or having mixed-gender families. New moms that wish to practice taking care of all the needs of both a baby and a newborn should consider enrolling in one of t he many online courses that provide this service.Taking an essay course with an instructor is easy to do, and allows a new mom to practice using her cognitive and social skills while at the same time building a positive and supportive family environment. A life experience can indeed be a life-changing one. For any new mother who is unsure of what they are interested in, a birth order essay sample will answer these questions.Why is this essay sample so important for new mothers? Well, for one thing, it is an excellent way to give you a brief glimpse into the cognitive and social skills that are needed when rearing children of a variety of genders. While this is not the sole subject matter, it is a good jumping off point for other topics.There are many programs available to help you develop these skills for yourself, so make sure to check out what is available. You will be glad you did.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Complete Guide How to Write a Public Administration Term Paper
Complete Guide How to Write a Public Administration Term Paper A term paper is a lengthy essay written by a student on a subject. In your case, you need to deal with Public Administration. Mainly, your term paper will be based on the material studied during a college term. For that reason, it is necessary to make a precise examination of the obtained information and provide its analysis in the final term paper. Remember that it is supposed to be a critical, evaluative, or analytical report that describes a particular issue on the topic from the objective perspective. So be ready to demonstrate your research and analytical skills, critical thinking and original approach to writing a term paper. Our guide on how to write a good public administration term paper can be a useful source of inspiration that you are likely to look for. It helps find some valuable tips at every stage of academic writing. Besides, you will know what to write about on public administration, some essential elements to consider helping you find unique topic ideas and so on. Go on reading this public administration term paper writing guide to the end to become more knowledgeable and confident in writing your own term paper. Public Administration Term Paper and Its Key Principles The basic term paper includes different number of pages from 10 to 15 pages. Usually, a title page, table of content, abstract and reference list arenââ¬â¢t included in the pages of content. As a result, you need minimum 6 pages of typed text that will provide the readers with a comprehensive outline of the selected topic. In other words, write your term paper as if the reader knows nothing about the public administration topic you choose. Your research interest is to explore and analyze some areas related to public administration like economics, history, and politics, international relations, civil society, and so on. Traditionally, a term paper is associated with a research paper as their main concepts seem to be incredibly similar. Nonetheless, it is important to distinguish both types of writing in the following way: A research paper demands a particular academic approach, deep evaluation and investigation of the used materials, and a variety of research methods applied. A term paper is based on the studied material and should be written according to the demands of your professor. These demands allow the readers to check your analytical thinking skills and abilities to collect related information, do a thorough analysis, summarize the main points of a topic, and provide a solution to the discussed issue. Thus, it is necessary to follow the paper requirements of your professor and take into account the general principles of term paper writing. The primary purpose of public administration term paper is to summarize the information obtained during the term and show that you learn the material discussed during classes. In this way, this type of paper is considered to be a universal tool for evaluating studentââ¬â¢s proficiency in the topic. To attain high scores in writing a term paper, you need more than just the desire to get a high grade. 3 Factors Influencing Your Final Grade in Term Paper Writing Organization of a term paper. Is it coherent, logical and easy to follow? Originality of content. Are unique ideas used in a term paper? Is a term paper formatted properly according to the required styles (APA, MLA, Harvard)? As you see every point is essential for your academic performance. Itââ¬â¢s time to work on a term paper so that it will bring some positive results. Choose a Topic That Really Interests You and Your Readers The first and the most important part of writing a good public administration term paper is a correct choice of a research topic. There are two possible options for this challenging process: You can choose a topic from the list provided by your professor (if there is any available), You can choose the most interesting and captivating topic on your own from a variety of topics on publication administration. While choosing your topic, be specific and pay attention to the unusual and extraordinary topics that havenââ¬â¢t been investigated in detail. Remember that the topic should be useful in the future for potential researchers who will decide to write on the same topic. Besides, it may be developed in the research paper or even a Masterââ¬â¢s thesis by yourself. Choose the topic you are really interested in as working on the boring issue will make the term paper writing process incredibly long and unpleasant. In addition, while choosing a topic, take into account that it should not be too broad or too narrow. Focus on one issue every student may face, the limited timeframes. So consider if you are able to complete the necessary paper on a particular topic within the provided deadline and the page limit. Captivating topics are much easier to evaluate and develop, that is why you should follow a set of rules on how to choose a topic and start the most appropriate of them. They are t he following ones: Brainstorm a range of topics that seem to be interesting to you. These can be your personal opinion on various social and political issues, political controversies, different social problems that you would like to discover, and current political or social events. Next, take a sheet of paper and put down all the keywords and word phrases that come to your mind. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid difficult topics that are usually related to suicides, gun control, and abortion; Look through the general background information that is usually available in specialized journals, magazines, and newspapers. Read some general articles on public administration. Based on a broad overview of the topic, you can develop it by extending or narrowing the related issues; Develop your topic on the basis of the thesis statement. It may be a solution to the issue you want to discuss or a purpose of your paper that should be presented in a clear and comprehensive manner. In this way, the topic should tell the readers about the purpose and meaning of your term paper; Our experts have already passed through all these rules for the best choice of a publication administration topic. Consider the list of topics for your public administration term paper below: Impact of Public Administration on the Reformation of the Welfare System; Advantages and Disadvantages of Lights and Sirens in Various Emergency Service Vehicles; The Impact of Community Law Enforcement on Determination of Societiesââ¬â¢ View and Opinion of Various Social and Cultural Issues; The Impact of Net Neutrality on the Development of the Adolescents in the United States of America. Pre-Writing Tips Our Writers Follow Before writing a term paper, you need to get prepared for extensive work in advance, both morally and physically. First of all, nothing should distract your attention. Stop thinking of who like your photo on Instagram or Facebook. Switch off all social sites on a computer if you are going to work on it. Secondly, you need to be equipped with all necessary tools of writing a pen or pencil, notebooks, word-processing software (Microsoft Word, Pages or Open Office), grammar and style guides and the other tools that help you write and write non-stop. However, it doesnââ¬â¢t mean that you donââ¬â¢t need to sleep at all until your term paper is finished. So your main task is to plan your time reasonably so that you will have 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Otherwise, youââ¬â¢ll face the adverse effects of poor sleep that many students experience. It mainly reflects on their academic success according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Do not wait until the last minute to st art writing the assignment just because you wonââ¬â¢t have an opportunity to get prepared properly for the writing process. In fact, it would be great if you could work on a term paper for several hours each day. Look at how many stages you need to pass through to reach the final one the successful paper submission: Exploring and focusing a topic; Finding and selecting appropriate sources of information; Taking notes on the obtained information; Outlining the main ideas for yourself; Working on every part of a term paper an introduction, body, conclusion; Revising the final term paper. The most important point of prewriting is to understand an assignment given to you. Look through the description of the task and its requirements as all this is the basis of your paper. From the assignment instructions, you are able to determine what kind of paper you need to write and at what approach, what materials are necessary (be it a journal, periodicals, primary and secondary sources, etc.), what format is required and so on. So read your assignment attentively to be sure that you are in the right way towards the success in writing. Additionally, you need to search for the background information in the library or on the web to support your claims with the relevant facts. While searching for the sources, it is important to take into account that you can use only academic sources like books and peer-reviewed articles that contain reliable pieces of information. Take into account that your term paper should be written in a required formatting style (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard or Turabian). You can check some samples written in one of the formats on the Internet or ask the instructors to show you the samples available to them. The latter must lend more credence to you. Alternatively, you can order a custom written term paper to see a good example of formatting the text. Eventually, take all the collected information and tools to get down to work in a place where no one can interrupt the writing process that is already simplified. The Basic Structure of a Public Administration Term Paper The structure of every academic paper should follow a particular pattern. It allows the writer to develop a well-constructed literary work and provide the readers with all the necessary information logically. Include the following elements: A cover page with a title. It is a page where you put your name, your instructorââ¬â¢s name, course number, and a date of submission; An abstract. You should provide the comprehensive description of your term paper on this page. Yes, it is a separate but not obligatory page that contains keywords and word combinations relevant to your research. This part tells the reader about the major issues discussed in your paper and why it is interesting or important for you to analyze this particular topic; It is a part of the paper that includes the thesis statement and introduces your topic to the readers. Here, you can tell about the public administration issue you want to discuss and provide a number of possible solutions. Despite a great amount of valuable information, keep the introduction short. In percentage terms, it is average out at about 10% of the whole term paper; Body parts. Traditionally, each academic paper should include three or more well-constructed body parts. Each of them is aimed at a particular question or idea. Every paragraph is logically complete and connected by means of transition words. and develop the issue mentioned in the introduction part. A body paragraph should start from a topic sentence, a fact or a piece of evidence to support the idea, an explaining sentence, and a concluding sentence that grabs the information together and leads the reader to a logical conclusion. It is important to remember that the topic sentence introduces the whole paragraph. It may be considered as a mini-thesis that unites the concept between paragraphs and prepare the reader for a new argument of the author. It is essential to avoid discussing bare facts but to provide a personal evaluation of the topic and some independent evaluation of the discussed issue. That is why you can present here some arguments and counterarguments in order to convi nce the audience with your arguments; This is a part of an academic paper where you should summarize all the issues discussed in body paragraphs, provide solutions (if necessary), and restate the thesis statement. You can finish this final part of the paper with an opening question or with the encouragement of the readers to continue their own research on the chosen topic. If your public administration term paper contains the argument, a conclusion part is the last chance to attract the attention of the readers and convince them to support your claims; Reference list. This is the final part of your academic work where you should include all the materials used for writing the term paper. These are the used articles, books, journals, official reports, and internet pages that should be cited in a particular format and include such information as the last name of the author, title, year of publication, and a number of pages; Additional information. Your paper may also include some additional information like different relevant photos, tables, pictures, and graphs; 7 Proofreading Tips That Help You Out The last but not the least is the process of proofreading. This process should not be ignored by the writers as it allows to correct some mistakes made during the writing process. This is a number of tips on how to proofread a term paper effectively: Check the structure of the paper. It should contain a title page, an abstract page (if required), introduction paragraph, three or more body paragraphs with claims of the author supported with facts and pieces of evidence, a conclusion paragraph, a reference page, and additional materials (if necessary); Double check all the facts and pieces of evidence in your public administration term paper. Remember that all of them should be taken from reliable sources; Read the paper one more time aloud. This easy tip will allow you to hear the written text and find out some irrelevant words and phrases. In addition, this approach is helpful to define run-on sentences and various issues that can not be detected when reading silently; Check the paper for plagiarism. It is not acceptable for the academic paper to include the stolen ideas of the other people. For that reason, all the ideas you have found in additional sources should be cited according to the required format. Besides, it is possible to use one of the numerous plagiarism checkers available online and find out whether the paper contains some borrowed ideas or not cited facts and phrases; Check citations. Due to the fact that the paper should be presented in a particular format, the citations in the reference list, as well as in-text citations, should be arranged in the same format. In addition, the sources in the reference list should be arranged in an alphabetical order; Check the paper for some errors in grammar, syntax or punctuation. To make the process faster and easier, it is possible to use a computer search for tracing miswritten pronouns and antecedents. Use computer spelling checkers that are available online. This method allows to save a lot of time and make sure the paper does not contain misspellings; Make sure the format requirements of your term paper are met. Check the margins, font, font size, and line spacing and make sure these elements correspond to the format required by your professor. Following this easy and helpful guide you will be able to think of the appropriate topic, find the additional information, write a well-constructed public administration term paper, and arrange the written material according to the requirements. Good luck!
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Introduction to computer systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Introduction to computer systems - Essay Example In this scenario the business has established its intentions and objectives toward implementing completely new business management system. This report is intended to present a detailed analysis of some of main aspects of new system implementation. These important aspects can include business customer management and transactions management, etc. This report will also discuss the PC related requirements such as operating system requirements and other software and hardware requirements. 2- PC REQUIREMENTS This section is aimed at presenting the fundamental aspects of the new business management workstations. In this section I will present specifications and analysis of main technology features and aspects for new computer systems at corporation. Here for this purpose we have established some standards and frameworks those need to be followed for achieving better quality business management. ... e less costly 1.1- System Selected After the detailed market research and analysis of local and web based computer business shops I have assessed that the most excellent solution for the online customer management is Vostro 230 Slim-Tower. This system is slim, smart and looks attractive. Additionally, the overall processing and storage capability of this system is excellent. Below I have outlined the systemââ¬â¢s specification and image: Figure 1- Dell Vostro 230 Slim-Tower Source: 1.2- System Specifications PROCESSOR This system is based on Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5800 w/VT (3.2GHZ, 2MB L2, 800FSB) (Dell). OPERATING SYSTEM Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit is installed on this system (Dell). OFFICE SOFTWARE This system comes with Microsoftà ® Office Starter: reduced-functionality Word & Excel w/ads but no PowerPoint or Outlook (Dell). SERVICES & WARRANTY Dell Corporation offers 1 Year Basic L imited Warranty and 1 Year NBD On-Site Service for this system (Dell). MEMORY RAM This system includes 3GB DDR3 SDRAM 1333MHZ - 1x2GB 1x1GB (Dell). OPTICAL DRIVE (DVD) This system is offering Single Drive: 16X DVD-ROM Drive (Dell). HARD DRIVE (Main Storage) The memory of this system is up to 320GB with Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cacheâ⠢ (Dell). VIDEO CARD This system is having Integrated Video (based on Intelà ® GMA X4500) (Dell). MONITOR We have selected Dell 18.5 inch Widescreen E1910H Flat Panel display device (Dell). SECURITY SOFTWARE This system offers Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Services for 15-months (with cost of $39) (Dell). MODEM & WIRELESS There is no modem option available in this system (Dell). MEDIA READER This system does not offer any Media Reader
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Basic Hazardous Waste Management essay 2 (Blackman, 2001)
Basic Hazardous Waste Management 2 (Blackman, 2001) - Essay Example Another site Valley of Drum, was used for same purposes the waste material is processed here this was affecting the environment badly. In order to monitor all such activities and make them legal and harmless for the people government decided to set the rules and regulations as a result interim standard was written in 1986 and it was finalized in 1991 by the congress.(McNulty, 2009) The government decided to train people in order to attain the maximum success of saving their lives. These people are supposed to clean the hazardous waste material safely. The two paragraphed standard was written in which all the details of how to train people and their how to assure their health while they are working on specific site are mentioned. (McNulty, 2009) The key components that must be followed to evaluate the case given in description i.e. evaluate an abandoned industrial paint manufacturing facility with a good size field of 250-300 unknown, unmarked drums in the open field next to the manufacturing building are to analyse the operations carrying on in the manufacturing plant of paint factory and then cleaning up the waste material from the site next to the plant. The unmarked drums should be processed and identified; action should be taken if the steps against the standards of HAZWOPER are taken. MTBE stands for methyl tertiary butyl ether, chemical used in composition of fuels. This chemical is affecting our environment badly; it is used in fuel manufacturing companies. In United States of America MTBE is used in motor vehicle fuels as oxygenate and in gasoline as well. The main issue with the usage of MTBE is when it leaks from underground gas tanks and get mixed with
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